Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Luisana Loreley Lopilato

Name: Luisana Loreley Lopilato de la Torre
Born: May 18, 1987
Birthplace: Buenos Aires, Federal District, Argentina

Luisana Loreley Lopilato is a native Buenos Aires. She is third daughter of Eduardo and Betty Lopilato. She has brother Darío, who is also actor, and sister Daniela, who helps Luisana to write songs for first solo CD First was with Felipe Colombo, who acted with Lopilato in Chiquititas and Rebel's Way. They said that they broke-up before Rebel's Way, but one video proved that they are still in relationship. Jorge Rial, host of the TV show Intrusos en la noche, called Luisana "Lolita", humilitating this couple during whole TV show. It shows Lopilato and Colombo in love. Lopilato's lawyers called Rial on judge. The first question was: is that a crime, because Lopilato was still a child (16 years old)? Rial didn't think he is guilty. Luisana Lopilato got three million dollars for this scandal. After that, Lopilato said: "That video destroyed my relationship". Luisana and Felipe broke-up.

Even she left Erreway (officially in Summer 2007), Lopilato stayed friend with Camila Bordonaba, Benjamin Rojas and Felipe Colombo.

After that, she was fiancee of actor Mariano Martínez, who acted with her in Alma Pirata. Love broke in December 2006. After that, Luisana Lopilato started new relationship, with tennis player Juan Monaco. She hopes she will become his wife.

Lopilato's idol is singer Luis Miguel. She adores animals, and she has a dog, a rabbit, two cats, two lab rats and a hamster. Her favourite subject in school was biology.

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